Mary Lou Singleton
Mary Lou Singleton is an herbalist, midwife and family nurse practitioner who has been serving the families of New Mexico for over 30 years. A lover of the green world, communing with plants and plant lovers is one of her greatest joys.
We are grateful to have Mary Lou teaching at our gathering this year. Mary Lou will be offering the following classes:
Embracing Change
From rivers of blood to surges of fire, the alchemical passage of menopause requires great courage. Like puberty and childbirth, this magical female process transforms us into an entirely new type of being.
And like puberty and childbirth, knowledge and community support can help us avoid unnecessary medicalization of what can be scary and distressing bodily changes.
Let’s share stories of wild change and discuss herbal and nutritional remedies that can keep us safe and intact as we move through this powerful transition.
Women of all ages are welcome.
Wise Woman Support for Pregnancy, Postpartum and Breastfeeding
Through our blood, sweat, joy and tears, women create humanity.
Every person on Earth was made by a woman.
Come learn how to nurture and heal yourself and the women around you through the miraculous work of childbearing.
This class will include:
~Preparing the body for pregnancy
~Conscious conception
~Welcoming surprise house guests: embracing unintended pregnancy
~Supporting pregnancy with herbs
~Preparing for and supporting the birth process
~Herbal support for birth and immediate postpartum
~Nourishing the breastfeeding mother.
Rising Power, Deepening Roots: Celebrating and supporting menarche and young womanhood - Girls Grove
The passage from girlhood into young womanhood is a time of great power. Come discuss how to be present with your cycle, nurture your womb, and connect with the magical creative powers of being female. We will discuss herbal support for preventing and treating cramps, mood shifts, and other common discomforts of the menstrual cycle. Bring your questions and concerns, hopes and fears.
For girls and young women aged 9 to 19.